Ennio Ebinger, Lernender Produktionsmechaniker BAUMANN SCHWEIZ 1 Da ich viel Bewegung brauche und handwerklich begabt bin, habe ich mich für den Beruf Produktionsmechaniker entschieden. Die Lehre Bei
Medical Devices
In the field of Medical Devices springs and stampings are mainly used for Pens, Autoinjectors and CGM Systems. They are known for their accuracy and quality in meeting the stringent r
BAUMANN is a Swiss industrial company with many years of experience in coating and pre-treatment processes. We focus on continuous improvement so that we can offer our customers the most efficient pro
Technology as our signature
t3://page?uid=43Contact usBAUMANN is continuously expanding its technological foundation. This allows us to provide the best possible solutions for even the most demanding